What Is Capitation Agreement Managed Care Plan


Capitation agreement managed care plans are a popular type of healthcare coverage that has been gaining popularity over the years. In this type of plan, healthcare providers are paid a fixed fee for each individual patient they are responsible for, rather than being paid for each service they provide. This type of plan is often used by employers who are looking to provide their employees with affordable healthcare options.

What is a Capitation Agreement?

A capitation agreement is a contract between a healthcare provider and a payer, usually an insurance company or employer. In this type of agreement, the provider agrees to provide all necessary medical services to a group of patients for a fixed fee. The fee is usually calculated based on the number of patients covered, and is paid out on a regular basis, such as monthly or quarterly.

How Does Managed Care Work?

Managed care is a system of healthcare delivery that aims to control costs by managing the utilization of healthcare services. In a managed care plan, patients are typically required to see a primary care physician, who is responsible for coordinating their care and referring them to specialists as needed. The primary care physician is often paid on a capitation basis, which means that they are paid a fixed fee for each patient they are responsible for.

The primary care physician is also responsible for managing the patient`s healthcare costs. This might include prescribing generic medications instead of more expensive brand-name drugs or recommending lifestyle changes to prevent the need for costly interventions down the road.

Benefits of a Capitation Agreement Managed Care Plan

One of the primary benefits of a capitation agreement managed care plan is that it can help keep healthcare costs under control. By paying providers a fixed fee for each patient, insurers can better predict their costs and avoid surprises. This can help keep premiums affordable for individuals and employers alike.

Capitation agreements also encourage providers to focus on preventive care and to manage the overall health of their patients. Because providers are not paid for each individual service they provide, they have an incentive to keep their patients healthy and to avoid unnecessary tests and treatments.


In summary, a capitation agreement managed care plan is a popular healthcare coverage option that can help control costs and improve the overall health of patients. By paying providers a fixed fee for each patient, insurers can better predict their costs and avoid surprises. This can help keep healthcare affordable for individuals and employers alike. If you`re considering a managed care plan, it`s important to do your research and compare your options to find the one that best fits your needs.