Company Issued Cell Phone Agreement Sample


A company issued cell phone agreement sample is a document that outlines the specific terms and conditions that employees must abide by when using company-issued mobile devices. This agreement serves as a legally binding contract between the employer and employee, ensuring that both parties understand their rights and responsibilities regarding the use of the device.

Below are some key points that should be included in a company issued cell phone agreement:

1. Acceptable use policy: This section outlines the acceptable use of the device by the employee. It should specify which apps are allowed, which are not, and what types of activities are prohibited. It should also address whether the employee is allowed to use the phone for personal use and if so, under what circumstances.

2. Data usage policy: This section outlines the data usage policy for the device. It should specify the employee`s monthly data allowance and any overage charges that may apply. It should also address any restrictions on data usage, such as downloading large files or streaming video.

3. Security measures: This section outlines the security measures that the employee must adhere to when using the device. It should include information on password requirements, encryption, and how to report a lost or stolen device.

4. Monitoring policy: This section outlines the company`s right to monitor the employee`s use of the device. It should specify what types of monitoring are allowed and under what circumstances. It should also address the employee`s right to privacy.

5. Device maintenance: This section specifies the responsibilities of the employee in maintaining the device. It should include information on how to update software, protect against malware, and report any issues or damages to the device.

Having a company issued cell phone agreement sample in place helps to ensure that both parties understand their responsibilities and rights when it comes to the use of company-issued mobile devices. It also helps to protect the company`s assets, data, and reputation by setting clear guidelines for the use of these devices.