Boa Collective Agreement


Boa Collective Agreement: What It Is and What You Need to Know

Collective bargaining agreements are an essential part of labor relations between employers and employees. They establish the terms and conditions of employment and benefits and provide a framework for resolving disputes. One such agreement that has been in the news recently is the Boa Collective Agreement.

What is Boa Collective Agreement?

The Boa Collective Agreement is an agreement between the Board of Airline Representatives of Australia (Boa) and the Transport Workers Union (TWU). The agreement sets out the terms and conditions of employment for ground handlers at major Australian airports.

The agreement covers a range of issues, including wages, working hours, shift arrangements, annual leave, sick leave, superannuation, and redundancy. It also provides for dispute resolution procedures and health and safety measures.

What are the key features of Boa Collective Agreement?

One of the key features of the Boa Collective Agreement is the provision for a 12-hour shift pattern. This pattern has been a point of contention between the TWU and Boa, with the union arguing that it is unsafe and leads to fatigue among workers.

The agreement also includes a provision for a 15% loading for casual workers and a 2.5% annual increase in wages for all workers. It also provides for six weeks of annual leave after 10 years of service and redundancy pay of up to 16 weeks` pay.

What impact will the Boa Collective Agreement have on workers?

The Boa Collective Agreement has been praised by some as a significant step forward for workers` rights in the aviation industry. It provides for improved conditions and benefits for workers and establishes a framework for resolving disputes.

However, the TWU has raised concerns about the 12-hour shift pattern and its impact on worker safety. The union has called for a review of the pattern and a move towards shorter shifts.

What does the Boa Collective Agreement mean for employers?

For employers, the Boa Collective Agreement provides a clear framework for managing their workforce and ensuring compliance with relevant labor laws and regulations. The agreement sets out the terms and conditions of employment and benefits and provides for a clear process for resolving disputes.

The agreement also provides a degree of certainty and stability for employers by establishing a set of minimum standards for workers, which can help to reduce turnover and improve productivity.

In conclusion, the Boa Collective Agreement is an important development in labor relations in the aviation industry. It provides for improved conditions and benefits for workers and establishes a framework for resolving disputes. However, concerns remain over the 12-hour shift pattern and its impact on worker safety, and it remains to be seen how these issues will be addressed going forward.